NativeScript 2.0 - Launch Retrospective

We announced NativeScript 2.0 on the NativeScript Newsletter as well as at the ng-conf keynote. If you missed the newsletter, you can read an archive of NativeScript News - V 2.0 edition.

The newsletter covers new plugins added, a new crop of NativeScript experts, a NativeScript theme to help you mirror the look of an Ionic app, and an introduction to one of the prolific NativeScript engineers.

Launch Keynote

Our participation during the ng-conf keynote ng-conf 2016 and was VERY well received by the audience. If you missed the keynote and are interested to listen, here is a video link for the ng-conf 2016 keynote recording.


NativeScript has teamed up with to re-make the Kiva mobile app in NativeScript. Our work together was featured in the ng-conf keynote. We are proud to be associated with Kiva, a stellar non-profit doing great work to alleviate poverty around the world. Laurant Duveau formed a Kiva Angular team and we jumped on-board. We all welcome your participation. Check our Kiva team out here.

Sharing Code Between Web and Native Apps

Also at ng-conf  TJ VanToll and Jen Looper gave a session called “Sharing Code Between Web and Native Apps”. This session was also very well received and features a complete walk through of using Angular 2 code in a native mobile application. Further, the dynamic duo did the whole talk using a Chef's theme and the Chef's apron was raffled off to donate to Kiva.

If you missed it, no problem, you can watch the recording of Sharing Code Between Web and Native Apps.

Sea of Blue

On Thursday, ng-conf was covered in a sea of blue NativeScript t-shirts. I snapped a few quick pics because it was unbelievable.

We knew those of you who couldn't be at ng-conf would want your own t-shirt, so we set up a T-Spring store and cut the price to the bone so you can have your very own. Buy your NativeScript 2.0 Angular T-Shirt here.


You can Participate in NativeScript 2.0

We put together a great series of promotions for NativeScript 2.0. You can win your very own copy of UI for NativeScript, take part in a special webinar hosted by John Papa, Burke Holland and TJ VanToll, Order your T-Shirt and more! We'll keep these things open to the public for a few more days so if you are interested, hop on the train before it leaves. You can find the entire list of NativeScript 2.0 promotions at our ng-conf page.


Dan Wilson


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