NativeScript in 2015: Top 6 Devs and {N} Groundswell

2015 was big year for getting JavaScript on mobile devices. Nowadays, JavaScript developers can build highly performant native apps, in part thanks to NativeScript. With this post I wanted to say thanks to some top contributors in our community and to show off some of the NativeScript momentum we are taking into 2016.

In alphabetical order, as we appreciate them all the same:  

alex2Alexander Ziskind (Twitter:
Alex helped us in building the NativeScript community by actively blogging on both his blog at as well as the NativeScript blog itself. When not tinkering with NativeScript, Alex is a technical director at Nuvious. He makes it his goal to fuse together form and function in the world of mobile and web, and to bring products to life using the highest possible standards in software quality.

emilEmil Oberg  (Twitter:  
Emil helped us advance the core framework with several contributions. In addition, Emil really helped get the word out to the community via various NativeScript videos, such as “Getting Started with NativeScript” from his Uppsala meetup. In life outside NativeScript community, Emil is a consultant at @MonatorAB.

nathaneael3Nathanael Anderson
Nathanael published several plugins for NativeScript, alongside many code contributions to the core framework. He also wrote a book about NativeScript. Head over to Amazon and grab it for as low as $12. In regular life he is a consultant at Master Technology—check them out.  

nicNic Raboy (Twitter: |
Nick is an application developer with a B.S. in Computer Science & Engineering from University of California. Nick has been a champ helping people get up to speed on NativeScript through his Udemy courses. There are 25 videos in his series on getting started with NativeScript.

peter2Peter Staev (
Peter is a regular contributor to the NativeScript project and has published several plugins for it. In life outside of NativeScript, he is the co-founder of Tangra-Software.

tobiasTobias Henning (
Tobias contributed several plugins to the project. In addition, he publishes NativeScript videos over at his YouTube channel.

You know you are onto something big when you get approached to contribute content, or get written about in magazines and analyst reports without being consulted. Our engineering team is starting to contribute to the Angular blog (Building Mobile Apps with Angular 2 and NativeScript), and just a few days ago we got asked to speak to WIRED magazine about our work with the Angular team. Analysts are taking notice, with Kevin Benedict and Peter Rogers over at Cognizant giving it a great review. Lastly, one of the biggest UK app agencies—Pocket App—just announced they are going to be adopting NativeScript and the Telerik Platform as a part of partnership with us.

The groundswell for NativeScript is growing. We hope you’ll join in. C’mon in, the water is warm



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