Release: UI for NativeScript 1.2 - Angular Compatibility for Calendar and Chart

Our premium component suite just released Angular 2 compatibility for both the Calendar and Chart components. Additionally, the UI suite has full support for both NativeScript 2.1 and Angular 2 RC3.

Angular 2.0 support in UI for NativeScript was initially released a month ago for the completely free RadListView and RadSideDrawer components. We have been working hard since then. We are pleased to extend Angular compatibility to both the Chart and Calendar components. The features at a glance in this release are:

  • Angular 2 Calendar
  • Angular 2 Chart (Beta)
  • Support for NativeScript 2.1.0
  • Support for Angular 2 RC3


The Calendar component is now fully compatible with Angular 2. This means all of the Calendar features can be used in Angular and Non-Angular architectures. The following features are at your disposal:

  • Calendar view modes - simply set a property to switch between week, month and year views
  • Inline events - feed RadCalendar with a source of events for a specific day. Events are displayed in calendar cells in different ways depending on the event view mode
  • Selection - use single, multiple or range selection modes
  • Transitions - animations are applied for smoother user experience when switching between weeks or months

Learn more about the the Angular 2 Calendar.


The Chart component is now fully compatible with Angular 2. This means all of the Chart features can be used in Angular and Non-Angular architectures. Here is a short list of the currently available features:

  • Chart types - Bar, Range Bar, Line, Spline, Area, Bubble, Scatter Bubble, Pie, Candlestick, OHLC,

  • Axes types - Categorical, DateTimeCategorical, Linear

Learn more about the the Angular 2 Chart

Get Started

To help you get started easily, we extended our SDK Examples application by adding a bunch of new examples for RadCalendar. You can find the source of the application with examples for each feature on GitHub.

Get a free Trial of our Chart and Calendar components in the latest version of NativeScript UI Pro and start building your Angular 2 apps today!


Dan Wilson


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