Template: Create a plugin

For some reason, plugin authors like Brad Martin, Eddy Verbruggen, Alex Ziskind and Nathanael Anderson have chosen to release cool new plugins for NativeScript on Fridays. Thus, Friday in NativeScriptlandia is Plugin Friday. Writing plugins is fun and straightforward. In fact, to make authoring plugins even easier, the illustrious Nathan Walker wrote a plugin template to help ease the creation of NativeScript Plugins. By using this template, you get a skeleton directory with all the necessary files to make your plugin. 

Plugins are the secret sauce of NativeScript and we already have a lot of them. We keep a registry of high level resources on our website on the resources page.

If you would like to learn more about creating plugins in NativeScript, Nathan also wrote a very nice article on Telerik Developer Network on Creating NativeScript Plugins in TypeScript. You can share your plugins with others on NPM.

So, happy Plugin Friday from all of us at NativeScript. If you make a cool plugin, please tweet us at @nativescript and tell us about it.


Dan Wilson


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