Webinar – Couchbase and NativeScript

Interested in learning how to build applications with Couchbase, Angular, Bootstrap and NativeScript?
Todd, Nic and Justin at Couchbase are putting on a free, five-part webinar series every Friday from January 29th to February 26. During the series, you’ll build a full stack application using the CEAN stack (Couchbase+Express+Angular+Node.js). 

This application enables organizations to perform safety/quality control compliance using simplified workflows with a social platform interface. You’ll learn how to create workflows, assign team members, snap photos, and leverage the power of collaborative teamwork using Couchbase.
Register for Couchbase Webinars

Be sure to attend the February 26th webinar, where the Couchbase team will demonstrate how to build the same front end from a mobile-first perspective. You’ll also learn how to use NativeScript to leverage the existing API/backend.

Webinar Topics and Dates:

1/29/16 11:00 AM
201: Bootstrapping an application using the CEAN stack

2/5/16 11:00 AM
202: Application logic, data model, and validation

2/12/16 11:00 AM
203: Build a responsive front end with Angular & Bootstrap

2/19/16 11:00 AM
204: Built-in URL permalinking & minification

2/26/16 11:00 AM
205: Mobile-first development with NativeScript

Dan Wilson


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